Friday, March 26, 2010

HOMEWORK 3/29-4/2

HIGH SCHOOL BASIC WRITIING NO HOMEWORK: However, any work from quarter 3 that was not passed in by Friday is now a zero. The new quarter begins on Monday 3/29.,

GROUP 5 Blue:

  • For history see Kimberlee's Blog
  • For Latin see Joseph's Blog

  • Read Flowers for Algernon up to page 82.
  • Study the next 20 words on the list of Commonly Misspelled for words for a test.

  • Science Research Paper Final Draft is Due today.
  • Complete questions on Chapter 1 Sections 1, 2 and 3.

  • Complete 5 paragraph essay.


Reading Log on Flowers for Algernon. Please answer the following:

1. What do you think about the operation? Is it good for Charlie? Please answer this from both a moral and an intellectual perspective.
2. Who (if anyone) is a true friend to Charlie. Please support your answer with examples from the novel.
3. Do you think Charlie is getting smarter? How do you know? What evidence do you have to support your answer?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

HOMEWORK 3/22-3/26

I hope you have a wonderful two weeks off. The following assignments are due the week we return and we also have science fair quickly approaching.


Basic Writing:
  • Your city brochure is due. Remember to be creative and include a history, places to eat, shop and hang out, upcoming events, fun activities etc. Be creative.
  • Any work that was due prior to vacation is now a zero and you have lost a merit for it. You will need to complete the work to gain the merit back but will not receive full credit for the assignment.


  • Each of you must complete three full sections in the chapter you are on in your

  • History-See Kimberlee's blog.
  • Latin: See Joseph's blog.
  • Read first sixteen pages up and including the entry for March 12th of Flowers for Algernon. You will be given a quiz on these two Chapters so read carefully.
  • Study the spelling of the first 20 words on the most commonly misspelled words list.
  • Compare and Contrast Essay of three Poe stories. The essay must be at least five paragraphs long, 12 point Ariel font, single-spaced. You must include three direct quotations in your essay. Remember quotes should not just be thrown in. They must fit into the point you are making and quotes do not contribute to the 5-7 sentences that make up a paragraph.

  • Science Outline of Chapter 1 in your new science book is due. We are going to Group 2 to help them with their science fair projects so we will not have science today. I will be taking time out of a writing class to talk to you about the chapter.
  • Four weeks of data for your long-term experiment in science are due for check in.
  • Grammar: After our extensive review of adjective and adverb phrases and clauses I am giving you one final assignment on this. We have reviewed this over and over again and the last time I asked if there were any questions there were none so I am confident you all get this now. Your assignment is to write 12 sentences about your independent reading book. The sentences should be as follows: 3 sentences containing an adjective clause, 3 sentences containing an adverb clause, 3 sentences containing an adjective phrase, and 3 sentences containing an adverb phrase. This should be written in your Writing notebook under vocabulary.

  • Reading Log: Flowers for Algernon. Please write a 2 page letter to me in your Writer's notebook letting me know what you think of this book so far, what you have have learned about the plot and the characters and what you wonder about.