Thursday, May 27, 2010

WEEK OF 5/31-Monday June 7th

  • We had a great week last week. Our visit to Joseph's farm was hot but very fun. We learned a lot about animals and the food we eat. The student's had a chance to hold the animals and do some of the farm chores. We really enjoyed ourselves.

  • Monday, May 31st, Memorial Day-No school.

  • Tuesday June 1st: This is our last school day! I will be giving one final grammar quiz to the students on noun clauses, run-ons and combining sentences. Hopefully this quiz will help everyone's writing grade since we worked on the exercises in class and everyone had plenty of opportunity to ask questions and should be very comfortable with these concepts. We are also doing a pot luck lunch today.

  • Everyone is bringing in something to share. This is what your child signed up for:
Sam-cookies and pizza
Harry-Quesadilla and chocolate sauce
Geoff-The super, special awesome cake and M & M's.
Ronan - Ice Cream (vanilla and chocolate)
Ben W. - Drinks
Lily-French bread and dip.
Lizzie - Chips and dip.
Jodi-Lasagna or pasta dish.
Emma - cherries
Mackenzie - Salad

Wednesday June 2nd: Last Day of School-Dismissal at noon.
Students should wear casual clothes as we will be cleaning the classroom before leaving.

Thursday June 3rd: Field Day/Book Awards
If it is a nice day bring sunblock. bug spray and a water bottle as most activities will take place outside.

Friday June 4th Graduation Day. All group 5 Students are invited to watch their friend's graduate!

Monday June 7: Canobie Lake Day!!!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

HOMEWORK 5/24-5/28

Final exams.


Monday: History and Latin Exams- see Joseph and Kimberlee's blogs for details.

Tuesday: Trip to Joseph's farm. Please bring a bag lunch and water bottle. We will not have access to a microwave so please bring something that does not require heating. We will also be eating snack in the van on the way up so it must not be a messy snack! Also bring your sketch book.

Wednesday: Literary Character Day.

Thursday: Your Compare and Contrast Essay for FFA the book and the movie is due today. Also, any late or missing work must be turned in today. There will be no further extensions.

Friday: No School Teacher Development Day.

Friday, May 14, 2010

WEEK OF 5/17-5/22

  • Final version of your research paper is due. Any revisions not received by 3:00 will not be counted and your current grade will stand.
  • Quiz on Infinitives, Gerunds and Participles.

  • Tuesday: Narrative Poem Due


  • See Kimberlee's Blog for History Homework
  • See Joseph's Blog for Latin Homework

  • Quiz on student created word list of unusual words from U-Z. Students will be tested on spelling, definition and part of speech.

  • Read the Short Story "Sonny's Blues." Be thinking about the various themes in the story.

  • Comprehension Questions Due on Sonny's Blues.
  • Science Test Chapter 2 Sections 1 and 2.


  • Final draft of your character analysis is due. Most of you passed this in when it was originally due so have a few edits to make. Also, you had at least three class periods to work on this on Tuesday. This is the final day to get any credit.
  • Answer the following questions about Sonny's Blues. They can be typewritten or written in your Readers/Writers Notebook.1, There are a number of themes in the story including suffering, darkness, feeling trapped and wanting to escape. How can you tie all these into one dominant theme that is suggested in the title "Sonny's Blues?"2. Themes in stories challenge you to think about what the author is saying to you. What sorts of thoughts have you had as a result of reading this story?3. The story develops it's themes around the relationship between two brothers. But there is a flashback in the middle of the story that tells of the narrator's conversation with his mother. How does that part of the story contribute to the dominant theme?
  • Your final writing project of the quarter is due on Thursday May 27th. This is a compare and contrast essay of Flowers for Algernon (the book) and Charly the movie. This essay must have an introduction and conclusion and use one of the two methods of comparing and contrasting that I showed you in class:
  • Intro-similarities, differences, conclusion OR Intro. Topic (same/difference), Topic 2 (same/difference), Conclusion.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Homework 5/10-5/14

HIGH SCHOOL: We will be working on writing poems in class on Tuesday. No additional homework until then. Late work is being marked down a grade every day it is late so I expect to see everything on Tuesday.


Make sure you check Kimberlee's Blog for history homework. You do have homework due on Monday even though you do not have class. Also review the quizzes area as some of those dates have changed as well.



  • In Wordly Wise class, students will decide on 'unusual' words for next week, after having their Phobia words test today. Students will be tested on 5/18/10 on their most unusual words from U-Z in the dictionary.
  • Study Hall: We will finish up our speeches today. If you have not yet presented please come prepared.


  • Chapter 2 Review and Assessment is due for science. We will review the first two sections of this chapter in preparation for a test in the morning during our reading period.
  • 11:00 A.M.-11:40 A.M.: Jeremy Reiner, WHDH Weather will be speaking to Groups 3,4,5 in Bryan's Room, in the Barn. We will have Math and Reading block before he arrives. In the afternoon, we will have regular classes.

FRIDAY: Regular classes all day!
  • Please provide me with a complete outline of what you plan to write about in your Flowers For Algernon Compare and Contrast paper. This paper should compare and contrast the movie and the book and it should have an introduction and conclusion and discuss at least 2 similarities and two differences. I am not only interested in what these similarities are but how they affect the story.