Monday, August 17, 2009


Welcome to Group 5 Blue!! I hope you had a fun and relaxing summer.! I am so happy to have all of you in my class. I have many great things planned for our group and I know we will have a fun and exciting year together.

You might have noticed on the supplies list that was sent out that I asked for you to set up your subject binders in a specific way. I would like you to bring all of the "binder" materials to class with you on the first day. We will label them together and discuss how you will be organizing the folders for the year.

I hope you enjoyed your summer reading! (at least a little bit?) Please bring your action time-lines to class on the first day as well. I will be collecting them and we will be discussing the readings right away while the information is fresh in our minds.

Please feel free to call me at home if you have any questions at any time. My number is 978-352-8237. During the school year I can be reached at home between 7:30 and 8:30 p.m. on most evenings. If you try my home and I do not return your call within 30 minutes than I am likely not there and you can feel free to try my cell phone. That number is 781-760-0035.

Again, I hope you all had a great summer and see you very soon!

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