Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Have a great time at Hulbert! I will miss your smiling faces! Sometime before you return to schoool please complete the following:

Reading: Read for one hour and do a Reader's Response Letter. I am looking for insight and understanding in your letters. Remember to include two questions that you might be wondering about. This letter should be written in your reader's notebook and should be two pages long. Due on Tuesday October 13th.

History: For Tuesday October 13th review Chapters 3 and 4. Robby and John your outline on Chapter 3 is due. Mackenzie and Geoff your outline on Chapter 4 is due all four of you should be prepared to present to the class. Since Monday is a holiday we will find an alternate time for you to present the history.

Wordly Wise: Chapter 4 Activities due. Quiz on chapter 4.

The draft of homework schedule is due. Use the information we discussed in class as a guideline. We will work together to create a schedule to show your parents. With their input we will finalize it.

As part of our continued studies in Medieval History, Groups 5G and 5B will enjoy a banquet fit for a king at The Medieval Manor. Students will dine without utensils on: Bread and cheese medieval pizza, ginger carrot soup, family style mussels, one large beef, rib per person, salad with balsamic dipping sauce, herb roasted chicken, roccoli and carrots with, hollandaise dipping sauce, mock – mead with a token for a refill, after dinner mints Groups 5B and 5G will be going to Medieval Manor to complement their study of Medeival history. We will be dining on medieval cuisine without utensils and playing games common to this historical period.

Groups 5B and 5G will be going to Biogen IDEC Community Lab on Wednesday, October 28, 2009 to do an experiment on the transformation of E. Coli. Students will don goggles, lab coats and gloves in order to work with scientific laboratory equipment to investigate DNA proteins. We will leave promptly at 8:30 a.m. and return by pick-up at 3:00 p.m. Students are asked to bring a bag lunch (no glass) and non-messy snack to eat in the van in case our lab runs longer. Please wear appropriate clothing if there is a chance of inclement weather as we may have to walk from the parking space to the lab. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to see how interesting and exciting a career in science can be!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Homework 9/28-10/2

It was great to see many of you at Back to School Night! I hope Denise and I answered all of your questions. If you find you still have questions after reading the packet and thinking things over please give me call or send me an e-mail at jodic@clarkschool.com.

  • Basic Writing: Revise How To Essays to be passed in on Tuesday. This final draft will be graded.
  • Finish assigned pages in Writing Skills book-(up to and including page 18 with the exception of 10 and 11) DUE MONDAY.
ALGEBRA and PRE-ALGEBRA - Each student has a different assignment. You should have approximately 30 minutes each night Monday through Friday. If you are confused about your homework for a particular night please call me at 978-352-8237 or 781-760-0035 before 8:30 p.m. and I can help you out.


Monday 9/28
  • 30 minutes math or assigned pages
  • History quiz Chapters 1-2
  • Read for 20 minutes making two comments in notes and thoughts and listing unknown words in the vocabulary section of your reader's notebook.

Tuesday 9/29
  • 30 minutes of math or assigned pages
  • Wordly Wise Activities List 3 Due and Quiz on List 3
  • Memorize Shakespeare Sonnet for Jeff
  • Read Mr. Language Man and complete a reader's response letter. Why is this funny or why might someone find it funny? Do you find it funny? Why or why not? Take the time to look up unknown words. (this can be your 20 minutes of reading)

  • 30 minutes of math or assigned pages
  • Read for 20 minutes making two comments in notes and thoughts and listing unknown words in the vocabulary section of your reader's notebook.
  • Science due: Complete questions at the end of section 3 and section 4.
  • Robby, Ben, John and Harry your assignment is different. Complete the top of p.33 and do Science in the News that is somehow related to what we are learning in Chapter 1. This should be one page typed, 12 point font, Ariel, single spaced.
  • Many of you finished the reading assignment that I gave you two class periods to do last week. However if you did not it is due today. That assignment required you to make 5 comments on the 20 minutes of reading you had done the night before. Then, you needed to find 15 new or age appropriate vocabulary words from your independent reading book, define them, write their part of speech and use them in a sentence. This should be done in the vocabulary section of your reader's notebook.

  • 30 minutes of math or assigned pages
  • Read for 20 minutes making two comments in notes and thoughs and listing unknown words in the vocabulary section of the reader's notebook.
  • Complete up to page 16 in your Writing Workbook

  • 30 minutes of math or assigned pages
  • Quiz in Latin
  • Picture Day - wear your best smiles!!

Monday, September 14, 2009



Basic Writing:
(High School) If I asked you to revise your 5 paragraph essay please do so. For next week please complete page 9 in the Writing Skills Book and pass in the first draft of your "How To" essay that has been peer edited by one person. I will also be giving you a quiz on subordinate clauses on Tuesday 9/22.

You have homework every night. If you forget what your assigned pages are please contact me at 978-352-8237 or 781-760-0035 before 8:30 p.m.


You should be tracking all your steps from when you leave school to when you go to bed. Please do this every day. Write down how much time each activity takes you in preparation for the homework schedule we will put together next week.


If you did not finish your work in the Writing Skills book please finish. You should be finished through page 9. This is due to me on Tuesday 9/22.

The draft of your biography will be due on Thursday 9/23. Remember this should be at least three pages, single spaced, Ariel 12 pt font. Be creative! We will draw a picture next week to go along with this biography.


Quiz Tuesday 9/15 on The Pearl or Les Miserables. We will be viewing the movies on Wednesday 9/16. Quiz on Friday 9/18 on How Angel Peterson Got His Name.

Students should be reading for 20 minutes in their independent reading books every night. Letter to teacher due Friday 9/18. This letter should tell me about the first 20 minutes that you read. What is happening so far? Did anything really interest you? What do you predict will happen next? This should be at least a one page letter.

History: For next week please. Choose a medieval sport or game that you will research.
DAR: Choose a perspective that you will write from (railroad worker, native American or settler) Write a plan for your DAR paper (at least 10 sentences) Write 10 facts that you learned about the transcontinental railroad and the final spike that you discovered by researching this event.

Science: Come to class on Wednesday with your outline complete. I will be collecting all of them and making one big outline for the class. Homework for next week: p.11 #1-2 and p.20 #1-2. Those who are teaching will be teaching today.

Wordly Wise (Bryan): Complete all parts of Lesson 2 and be prepared for a quiz on the word list on Tuesday 9/22. Remember you are responsible for the spelling, the definition AND the part of speech.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Homework 9/8-9/11


Due Thursday 9/10
First Letter to Teacher/Reading Log Due. Remember to include your favorite or least favorite summer reading, your favorite or least favorite part of that reading and at least two questions.

Friday 9/11
Quiz on The Elephant Man

Please select an independent reading book and bring it to school with you on Monday 9/14.

Remember to cover your science and history books by next Friday.

Monday 9/14
Select and Independent reading book and bring it to school with you.

Wednesday 9/16
Chapter 1 Outlines due. If you forget which section you need to outline please see me. Also, please select a Science In The News Article and bring it to school with you.

Basic Writing: 5 Paragraph Essay Due on Goals for the year. Remember this is for my eyes only so feel free to be candid.

Make sure you have a graph paper notebook for the next class. Please complete the Diagnostic Test and Page 2 in the Algebra book if that is what you were working on. Otherwise complete assigned pages for Thursday.

Please cover your book by Monday.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Day of School

We had a great first day today. I have an awesome class and am looking forward to a great year. We spent a good part of the day getting organized and reviewing expectations. One of the students asked me to post the different sections that should be in each binder on the blog so the can label the sections at home. So here it is!

Reading/Writing Binder Homework/Tests and Quizzes/Handouts and Grammar/Drafts
Most reading work will be done in the notebook that I gave you which should be kept in or with this binder.

History Binder Notes/Tests and Quizzes/Projects (DAR and History Day)/Homework

Science Binder Homework/Outlines/Dictionary/Quizzes and Tests/Class Notes/Lab Experiments/Research Paper

Since I do not have all of you for Math, Foreign Language or Wordly Wise you should check with your teacher for that class and ask them how they expect your binder to be set up.

We have also scheduled all of the quizzes on your summer reading and we will be seeing some movie versions of those books/plays as well. The dates are as follows:

Friday 9/11 Quiz on The Elephant Man/Movie will be shown during elective time that day.

Tuesday 9/15 Quiz on Les Miserables or The Pearl

Wednesday 9/16 Movie on Les Miserables or The Pearl

Friday 9/18 Quiz on How Angel Peterson Got His Name

Thanks everyone for a great first day!