Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Homework 9/8-9/11


Due Thursday 9/10
First Letter to Teacher/Reading Log Due. Remember to include your favorite or least favorite summer reading, your favorite or least favorite part of that reading and at least two questions.

Friday 9/11
Quiz on The Elephant Man

Please select an independent reading book and bring it to school with you on Monday 9/14.

Remember to cover your science and history books by next Friday.

Monday 9/14
Select and Independent reading book and bring it to school with you.

Wednesday 9/16
Chapter 1 Outlines due. If you forget which section you need to outline please see me. Also, please select a Science In The News Article and bring it to school with you.

Basic Writing: 5 Paragraph Essay Due on Goals for the year. Remember this is for my eyes only so feel free to be candid.

Make sure you have a graph paper notebook for the next class. Please complete the Diagnostic Test and Page 2 in the Algebra book if that is what you were working on. Otherwise complete assigned pages for Thursday.

Please cover your book by Monday.

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