Thursday, October 15, 2009

Week of 10/19-10/23


Basic Writing:
  • I will be collecting your writing binders on Monday 10/26. Remember your binders should have every writing assignment you have done this quarter in them in chronological order.The assignments were: Goals Essay, How To Essay, TV Prompt, 2000 Word Essay, Lamb to Slaughter and The Biography. This binder will count as a test grade.
  • The only assignment that will not be there is the biography which is due on Friday October 30th. Remember this biography should be 5 pages, 12 pt Ariel font, single spaced. I gave you two class periods to interview your subject so all further interviews must be done on your own time. I expect the biographies to be truly biographical and factual.
  • All make up grammar work is due on Monday 10/26 as well. I will be collecting grammar books on that day and any incomplete work will be given a zero. You should have completed up to page 23 in your grammar book excluding pages 10 and 11.
Algebra/Pre-Algebra: You will have homework every night Monday through Friday. If you find yourself without homework and we have not specifically talked about it something is wrong and you should call me at home. 978-352-8237. Also call me if you have difficulty completing homework. The best time to call is between 7:30 and 8:30 p.m.


Reading and Writing:
  • The final draft of the biography is due on Monday.
  • The only homework you will have until December will be to work on your funny story for 20-30 minutes every night. See the handout I gave you for details about what is due weekly for this project.

  • Quiz on chapter 3 & 4 on Monday 10/19.
  • History homework for the next two weeks will be to work on the DAR which is due on Monday November 2nd. We have discussed the topic in detail. Please
  • Optional extra credit due 10/22. I handed out the packet for this assignment on Wednesday. There will be no other opportunities for extra credit in history this quarter.
  • Field Trip to Medieval Manor on Wednesday 10/21

  • The review and assessment on pgs. 40-42 is due on Wednesday 10/21.
  • Test on sections 1 and 2 of Chapter 1 will be given on 10/27 during study hall.
  • Optional extra credit: Page 43. If you choose to do this extra credit assignment it is due on Tuesday 10/20. There will be no other opportunities for extra credit in science this quarter.
  • Field Trip to Biogen IDEC on Wednesday 10/28.

Wordly Wise:
  • Unit 5 and Activities due on Tuesday 10/20. Quiz on Unit 5 will be given that day.

The first quarter ends on 10/31 so please make sure all missing work is in ASAP before it is too late!!!

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