Friday, November 13, 2009

November 16-November 20th

Note to Pre-Algebra/Algebra students. Please make sure you are using your graph paper notebooks. Your graph paper notebooks will count as a test grade for quarter 2. All calculations must be done in them in the proper format. See me if you have any questions.

Basic Writing High School:

Please complete pages in Writing Skills book on Compound subjects and predicates, semi-colons and conjunctive adverbs pp. 24-29. This is due on Monday.

I am also still waiting on two things from many of you.
  • Your revised introduction
  • Your 2000 word essay in response to Maya Angelou's quote: "When someone shows themself to you believe them."
  • If you owe me these assignments or were asked to revise either please have them in to me by Monday 11/16 in order to get credit.

    Group 5 Blue:

    Monday 11/16:
  • History: Read Chapter 7 and complete workbook pages. We will be discussing Chapter 7 and 8 in class. I realize that some pages say to respond to a picture your teacher shows you. I did not show you any pictures but you can still answer the questions.
  • Writing: Work on Funny story for at least 30 minutes.

    Tuesday 11/17
  • Wordly Wise: Chapter 8 Activities Due. Quiz on Chapter 8.
  • Writing: Complete Funny Story

    Wednesday 11/18
  • Writing: Final Draft of the Funny Story is due.
  • Science: Read Chapter 2 and complete questions for Section 1 p.53 and section 2 p. 63

    5B POT LUCK LUNCH: In order to celebrate the completion of our writing project Group 5 Blue will have a pot luck lunch. All students will sign up to bring in something yummy to share. The students worked very hard on this assignment and deserve to have their efforts rewarded with some food and fun!

  • Writing: Writing Skills complete the pages on writing paragraphs: pgs. 33-36. For exercise 2 on page 35 choose one.

    Writing: Respond to the following question about Food Incorporated.
  • Pretend you are grocery shopping for your family. Pick 10 items you would select at the grocery store and 10 items you would not pick at the grocery store in order to create healthy meals and snacks for your family for one week. Let me know how you would prepare this food and why you made the choices you made. This should be two pages, single-spaced, 12 pt Ariel Font, 1 inch margins.

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