Tuesday, December 15, 2009



HIGH SCHOOL: First Draft of your Research Paper on Defiant Characters.


  • History: Due Monday: Choose a current even article on Muslims or Islam at work in the world today. You should arrive at school with the article, a one page, 12 pt Arial font, single spaced summary of this article. The one page should also include the answer to this question. Does the portrayal of Muslim's in this article coincide with what we learned in class about the Islam religion and Muslim behavior?
  • Also be thinking about your History Day Project. See the handout and determine what format you will complete this in and whether you would like to work as an individual or in a group. We can only submit 14 entries for all of group 5 so some of you will be required to work in groups.
  • History optional Extra Credit is Due Wednesday on January 6th. This is a minimum of two pages, single spaced 12 pt Arial font paper. You are the monarch of a medieval town: how will the town be governed, how will people live, what will they do for jobs etc.

Science: Actively Read Chapter 3. Be prepared to discuss in class on Wednesday January 6.

Writing: Due Tuesday 1/5: Complete the following writing prompt. You can type this (at least 2 pages single spaced, 12 pt Arial font) or you may hand write it in your Reading/Writing notebook (at least 3 pages single spaced). I do not want any loose sheets. If you choose to handwrite it must be in your notebook under "Letter's to Teacher." Think about your new years resolutions or goals. Choose at least two personal goals and two academic goals. Share them with me and your plan to achieve these goals. I will not share these writing prompts with anyone so be honest!!!

Have a safe and happy holiday and enjoy your break!!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

HOMEWORK 12/14-12/18

High School Basic Writing:

  • The five sources for your research paper are due on Monday. Remember you need 5 sources and two must be non-internet sources.
  • Writing Skills pp. 30-33. Pages 24-33 are the pages that were assigned this quarter. If you have not passed these pages in, and you cannot do so by Monday you will receive a zero on them.
  • All writing assignments that were due up to this point must be passed in on Monday or you will receive a zero that will not be changed.


This is our last week before winter break! Please remember all late and missing work must be in by Monday the 14th. You will receive a lunch bunch for each assignment that is not in by that day and will receive one every day until you are all caught up. When we return from winter break we will have just two weeks left in the quarter. Therefore, I will not be accepting late work after Monday.

  • Hogan Gifts are due on Monday. Please bring your wrapped gift to the office.
  • Don't forget "secret friend" gifts are also due on Monday! The limit is $10 and keep you friends interests and desires in mind when making your purchases.

  • History Test on Chapter 9
  • Read independent reading book for 20 minutes.
  • Wordly Wise Chapter 11 Activities Due. Quiz on Chapter 11.
  • 5 Paragraph Essay Comparing and Contrasting A Summer Reading and The Oedipus Complex is due. Essay must be 5 paragraphs, single spaced, 12 point Arial font. (Remember a paragraph is a minimum of 5-7 sentences) You are to compare and contrast the issue of respect in both short stories and you must use at least three quotes (two from one story and one from the other) to support your point.
  • Submit a one paragraph proposal for your science fair project. Remember the project will require you to do an experiment where you are able to monitor and track data for at least 6 weeks so choose an appropriate project.
  • Read for 20 minutes in your independent reading book

  • Read for 20 minutes in your independent reading book
  • Writing Skills Book: Complete pages 49-57.
  • Grammar quiz on: Clauses (both main and subordinate), run-on sentences, adjectives and adverbs. When I ask you to name three ways to correct run on sentences say a period, a conjunction or a semi-colon. Also if you checked the blog put the following sentence on your quiz for five points: "It is a requirment to check the blog every night."

  • Read for 20 minutes in your independent reading book.
  • Complete the POV Assignment we started in class: To refresh your memory the assignment is as follows: 1. Copy two paragraphs from your independent reading book and identify the point of view. 2. Rewrite the two paragraphs changing the point of view (Change first person to third person and visa versa), 3. Identify 5 vocab. words that are new to you. Write the sentence you find them in and the page number. Then write a sentence of your own using that vocab. word. 4. Identify five adjectives. Write the sentence and the page number and circle the adjective. 5. Identify five adverbs. Write the sentence and the page number and circle the adverb. 6. Identify 5 subordinate clauses. Write the subordinate clause and the page number.
It is a requirement to check the blog everyday. If you did your job you receive a bonus. Remember this phrase: "History repeats itself." You will be asked for it on your history test on Monday and if you know the phrase you will receive 5 bonus points on the test.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Week of 12/7-12/11

High School: Step 1 of your 10 page paper is due. Please submit to me IN WRITING a few paragraphs on who you will be comparing and contrasting in your paper and why you think they are suitable for this assignment on defiance.

GROUP 5 Blue

  • Read Chapter 9 in history and complete the worksbook pages that go with the chapter. A good strategy is to keep your workbook open while you are reading so you can fill in the appropriate sections as you go along. In class we will be talking about Chapters 9 and 10 and you will be expected to take notes.
  • Wordly Wise Unit 10 Due and activities.
  • Read your independent reading book for 20 minutes. Please have a parent sign your assignment notebook to confirm that you did this.
  • You will have a science test for Chapter 2. To prepare for this test you should look over your class notes as well as your outlines and your completed questions for each section.
  • Actively Read The Oedipus Complex paying particular attention to point of view.

  • Grammar pages due. Students should already have passed in all work up to and including page 47 in the Writing Skills Book. For homework, please complete page 48. Make sure your paragraphs have a topic sentence, are 5-7 sentences in length and edit them to make sure there are no spelling or grammar errors.
  • Read your independent reading book for 20 minutes. Please have a parent sign your assignment notebook to confirm that you did this.


  • Lab Report on percentage of composition lab due. You all have the data we obtained and the format of the lab report written in your science notebooks so please follow that format for full credit.
  • Read your independent reading book for 20 minutes. If last week you created a postcard for the setting of your book this week I would like you to make an acrostic poem. We discussed what this was in class but see me if you do not remember. Likewise, if you already did the acrostic poem please do a postcard. Below are the two assignments in case you forget.

Create a postcard for the setting of your story. It should have a picture on one side and a short letter on the other like a postcard. In the letter, you should take the point of view of one of the characters and describe your experiences so far in the place where the story takes place.

Acrostic Poem-Create an acrostic poem using the title of your book. Since I have not read the book please include a short paragraph below explaining why each of the things you list is relevant to your story.