Tuesday, December 15, 2009



HIGH SCHOOL: First Draft of your Research Paper on Defiant Characters.


  • History: Due Monday: Choose a current even article on Muslims or Islam at work in the world today. You should arrive at school with the article, a one page, 12 pt Arial font, single spaced summary of this article. The one page should also include the answer to this question. Does the portrayal of Muslim's in this article coincide with what we learned in class about the Islam religion and Muslim behavior?
  • Also be thinking about your History Day Project. See the handout and determine what format you will complete this in and whether you would like to work as an individual or in a group. We can only submit 14 entries for all of group 5 so some of you will be required to work in groups.
  • History optional Extra Credit is Due Wednesday on January 6th. This is a minimum of two pages, single spaced 12 pt Arial font paper. You are the monarch of a medieval town: how will the town be governed, how will people live, what will they do for jobs etc.

Science: Actively Read Chapter 3. Be prepared to discuss in class on Wednesday January 6.

Writing: Due Tuesday 1/5: Complete the following writing prompt. You can type this (at least 2 pages single spaced, 12 pt Arial font) or you may hand write it in your Reading/Writing notebook (at least 3 pages single spaced). I do not want any loose sheets. If you choose to handwrite it must be in your notebook under "Letter's to Teacher." Think about your new years resolutions or goals. Choose at least two personal goals and two academic goals. Share them with me and your plan to achieve these goals. I will not share these writing prompts with anyone so be honest!!!

Have a safe and happy holiday and enjoy your break!!!

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