Thursday, January 28, 2010

HOMEWORK 2/1-2/5


  • Due Monday Homonyms Sheet and pp. in Writing Skills Book.
  • Work on your Horror Story which is due on Monday 2/8. Remember to include two copies - one that was edited by a peer and the final.

  • Read 20 minutes and have parent sign off.
  • History: See Kimberlee's Blog
  • Latin: See Joseph's Blog
  • Read for 20 minutes and have a parent sign off.
  • Study page one of the spelling bee list. You need to learn the spelling only. 20 words will be selected from this list for your test on Tuesday.

  • Read for 20 minutes and have a parent sign off.
  • Read and outline Sections 1 and 2 of Chapter 4 in science.
  • Complete Lab Report for Acid/Base Lab.
  • Outline for Science Research Paper is Due.
  • Writing: Complete packet on adjective and adverb phrases and clauses.

Thursday: No school.

Friday: No School.

Friday, January 22, 2010

HOMEWORK 1/25-1/29

Monday: Your essay on the special election is due. No exceptions.

Tuesday: Make sure you have your Writing Skills book in class.


  • Read for 20 minutes in your independent reading book. Have a parent sign off.
  • History see Kimberlee's blog.
  • Latin: See Joseph's blog.

  • Read for 20 minutes in your independent reading book and have your parents sign off.
  • Wordly Wise Lesson 15 and Quiz on Lesson 15.
  • Comprehension questions 1-25 on the short story Lagoon due.

  • Read for 20 minutes in your independent reading book and have your parents sign off.
  • Four sources for the 8 page Science Research paper are due. Remember at least two must be NON-internet sources.
  • Science Test Chapter - Remember the phrase: Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. This will prove helpful to you this week (in more ways than one) Also, as a reward for doing what you should and checking the blog every night here is one final bonus. The answer to #10 under Fill in the Blanks on the science test is: supersaturated solution.

  • Writing Skills: p.66-68 and p. 83-86 and p. 101-102 and p.105-106.
  • Read for 20 minutes in your independent reading book and have your parents sign off.

  • Read for 20 minutes in your independent reading book and have your parents sign off.
  • In your packet on conflict choose one of the activities under Discussing Conflict on p. 194. You have three choices. I would like a one page, typed, single spaced, 12 pt Ariel font, 1"margins response to the question you choose. It must be typed and meet these criteria. Please make sure you answer the question you choose completely.
Thanks to all of you who brought in acids and bases to be tested. Unfortunately the litmus paper did not come in but as soon as it does we will take class period and test the substances.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


HIGH SCHOOL: No Basic Writing homework due Monday. The time of our basic writing class is changing to the morning on Monday so I will see you next Monday at 10:45. This week we did not have class on Tuesday due to the problem with the heat. Therefore, your assignment for this week is in your mailbox in the classroom. Please make sure you check the mailbox and complete the assignment by Monday January 25th.

Algebra/Pre-Algebra: No homework for Monday. Remember your math notebook counted as a test grade so if you did not pass that in to me you received a zero for last quarter. Let's start this quarter strong and use the proper format and show all your work. If you do this it will be an easy "A" for the notebook next quarter. You will have homework Tuesday through Friday and I will assign that homework individually.



Wordly Wise
List 14 and Activities. If you did not complete the crossword puzzle that was located before List 13 that was due last week. I will be checking to see that you have it this week. Quiz on list 14.
Read for 20 minutes in your independent reading book and make sure your parents sign off.

Read 20 minutes in your independent reading book and make sure your parents sign off.
Science: Chapter 3 work is as follows: Section 1: #2 and #3; Section 2: All, Section:4 nothing. and Sections 3 and 5: Writing in Science.
We will be taking a trip to the library today to find materials for History Day and/or Science Fair so think about what you need and bring your library card.

Read for 20 minutes in your independent reading book and have your parents sign off.

Read for 20 minutes in your independent reading book and have your parents sign off.
The 1000 word writing prompt that I gave you in class last week is due. Since I gave you two full hours to work on it in school AND over a week to complete it must be passed in on time.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

HOMEWORK January 12-January 16


Basic Writing: The final draft of your ten page paper is due on 1/12. Please make sure you include all edited copies with your final draft AND you cite all of your sources. Also, the paper must be 10 pages, 12 point Ariel font, single spaced and please edit for spelling and grammatical errors.

Algebra/Pre-Algebra: I will be collecting your math notebooks and checking them for completeness and proper format. This counts as a test grade for quarter 2.


  • History See Kimberlee's blog:
  • Reading: Read 20 minutes in your independent reading book.
  • Finalize long term experiment and research paper topic.

  • Wordly Wise List 13 Activities and Quiz
  • Read for 20 minutes in your independent reading book. Find 10 prepositional phrases and write them in your reading/writing notebook under vocabulary. This will be collected today.

  • Science Review and Assessment Chapter 3 Due. p. 117-118

  • Writing Skills p. 58-65 due. Quiz on adjective, adverb and prepositional phrases.
