Friday, January 22, 2010

HOMEWORK 1/25-1/29

Monday: Your essay on the special election is due. No exceptions.

Tuesday: Make sure you have your Writing Skills book in class.


  • Read for 20 minutes in your independent reading book. Have a parent sign off.
  • History see Kimberlee's blog.
  • Latin: See Joseph's blog.

  • Read for 20 minutes in your independent reading book and have your parents sign off.
  • Wordly Wise Lesson 15 and Quiz on Lesson 15.
  • Comprehension questions 1-25 on the short story Lagoon due.

  • Read for 20 minutes in your independent reading book and have your parents sign off.
  • Four sources for the 8 page Science Research paper are due. Remember at least two must be NON-internet sources.
  • Science Test Chapter - Remember the phrase: Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. This will prove helpful to you this week (in more ways than one) Also, as a reward for doing what you should and checking the blog every night here is one final bonus. The answer to #10 under Fill in the Blanks on the science test is: supersaturated solution.

  • Writing Skills: p.66-68 and p. 83-86 and p. 101-102 and p.105-106.
  • Read for 20 minutes in your independent reading book and have your parents sign off.

  • Read for 20 minutes in your independent reading book and have your parents sign off.
  • In your packet on conflict choose one of the activities under Discussing Conflict on p. 194. You have three choices. I would like a one page, typed, single spaced, 12 pt Ariel font, 1"margins response to the question you choose. It must be typed and meet these criteria. Please make sure you answer the question you choose completely.
Thanks to all of you who brought in acids and bases to be tested. Unfortunately the litmus paper did not come in but as soon as it does we will take class period and test the substances.

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