Friday, February 26, 2010

HOMEWORK 3/1-3/5


Basic Writing: If I have not received your 1 page writing prompt and your 1500 word response send them ASAP. They will be marked down one letter grade for each day they are late.

Algebra/Pre-Algebra: Please arrive on Monday with a graph paper notebook.


  • Read for 20 minutes and have your parents sign off.

  • Wordly Wise: Test on 20 Scripps Spelling Bee words. Spelling Bee with Group4 and Groups 5.
  • Read for 20 minutes and have a parent sign off.

  • Week One of data for long term experiment is due for my review.
  • The next two pages of the research paper are due.
  • Read for 20 minutes and have parent sign off.

We are going to the MFA today. Please bring a brown bag lunch full of non-messy items that do not need to be microwaved. We may snack in the van and cannot leave a mess. Also, no glass bottles please!

  • Writing Skills pages 141 - 144 only the first section up to and including "Plan."
  • Read for 20 minutes and have a parent sign off.
  • Make up science test: This is not mandatory but I will be offering a makeup science test for those of you who would like to improve your grade on the last test. I will offer it during lunch study.

  • Read for 20 minutes and have a parent sign off.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Week of 2/22-2/26


Many of you did not pass in your one page writing prompt from last week. If I do not have that by Monday 2/22 you will lose a merit. Please have this on my desk or in my inbox by the end of the day.

You must have a graph paper notebook or binder by Wednesday 2/24. I have been asking you for this since the beginning of the quarter and the high school students are the only one's who do not have one yet. You need this so you can get credit for all your work and you will get a test grade for this notebook at the end of the quarter. You must have this notebook for class on Monday!


  • History-See Kimberlee's Blog
  • Latin: See Joseph's Blog
  • Read for 20 minutes and have a parent sign off.

  • Complete reading The Tell-Tale Heart and The Cask of Amontillado.
  • Study next list of words. We will have a practice spelling bee this afternoon.

  • Science Test Chapter 4
  • Read for 20 minutes and have a parent sign off on the reading.

  • Writing Skills Due: pp. 103-104 and 107-108. Also, remember to write a 7 sentence paragraph describing any thing or any event you wish. Then rewrite that same paragraph changing the tone from pleasant to horror.
  • Read for 20 minutes and have a parent sign off.

  • Read for 20 minutes and have a parent sign off.

Friday, February 12, 2010

HOMEWORK 2/15-2/19

HIGH SCHOOL: No Basic Writing Homework

Monday - No school

  • Spelling Test - 2o words from Spelling Bee list.
  • Read for 40 minutes in your independent reading book.

  • Next two pages of science research paper due (pass in all 4 pages)
  • Review and Assessment Chapter 4
  • Read for 20 minutes in your independent reading book.
  • Comprehension Questions due on A Christmas Memory

  • Quiz on adjective and adverb clauses.
  • Read independent reading book for 20 minutes.

  • Read for 20 minutes in your independent reading book.
  • News Report Due: You are pretending you are a news reporter, reporting on a scene from your independent reading book. You can use interviews or simply report from that perspective. This should be a minimum of 2 pages.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

HOMEWORK 2/8-2/12


Monday, February 8
Horror Story is due today.
Black Cat 2 page response due.


Monday 2/8
  • Read for 20 minutes and have a parent sign off.
  • History-see Kimberlee's blog.
  • Latin-See Joseph's blog.

Tuesday 2/9:
  • Read for 20 minutes and have a parent sign off.
  • Spelling quiz - 2o more words.
  • Comprehension Questions Due-The Guest

Wednesday 2/10:
  • Science: Read and outline Section 3- Chapter 4
  • Questions: Section 3 Chapter 4
  • First two pages of science research paper are due.

Thursday 2/11:
  • Writing Skills: Choose one of the types of paragraphs on page 69-70 and write a ten sentence paragraph of that type.
  • Read for 20 minutes and have a parent sign off.

Friday 2/12:
  • Read for 20 minutes and have a parent sign off.
  • The Guest: Identify 10 new vocabulary words, define them and use them in a sentence. Identify 5 subordinate clauses and 5 prepositonal phrases (write the entire sentence and underline the phrase or clause) Also, cite the page number.
  • Answer the following: What is the main conflict in The Guest and how does this cause other things to happen in the story? What happened at the end of the story? Why do you think that?

Max Petersen in Group 5G (Local and State Winner) and Lily Bailey (Local and State Honorable Mention) in Group 5B will be receiving awards at two ceremonies. The state ceremony is on February 22nd at the Plymouth Library at 2:00 p.m. The local ceremony will be March 14th at the Samuel Holten House in Ipswich. Max and Lily will be reading their essays at the local ceremony. Congratulations to both for a job well done.

SPELLING BEE: Groups 4, 5G and 5B will be taking a short break from Wordly Wise to prepare for a Spelling Bee. We will be using an actual list from the 1984 Scripps Spelling Bee! They will be tested ONLY on spelling of 15-20 words, not vocabulary and parts of speech, each week. Finally, on Tuesday, February 16th, we will have a live Spelling Bee between the three groups from 1p.m.-2:00pm.