Sunday, February 21, 2010

Week of 2/22-2/26


Many of you did not pass in your one page writing prompt from last week. If I do not have that by Monday 2/22 you will lose a merit. Please have this on my desk or in my inbox by the end of the day.

You must have a graph paper notebook or binder by Wednesday 2/24. I have been asking you for this since the beginning of the quarter and the high school students are the only one's who do not have one yet. You need this so you can get credit for all your work and you will get a test grade for this notebook at the end of the quarter. You must have this notebook for class on Monday!


  • History-See Kimberlee's Blog
  • Latin: See Joseph's Blog
  • Read for 20 minutes and have a parent sign off.

  • Complete reading The Tell-Tale Heart and The Cask of Amontillado.
  • Study next list of words. We will have a practice spelling bee this afternoon.

  • Science Test Chapter 4
  • Read for 20 minutes and have a parent sign off on the reading.

  • Writing Skills Due: pp. 103-104 and 107-108. Also, remember to write a 7 sentence paragraph describing any thing or any event you wish. Then rewrite that same paragraph changing the tone from pleasant to horror.
  • Read for 20 minutes and have a parent sign off.

  • Read for 20 minutes and have a parent sign off.

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