Friday, April 23, 2010


I hope everyone who is going on the spring trip has a great time. This is what is due the week you all return:

  • Writing Skills pp. 74-75 participles. pp. 80-85 Infinitives and Gerunds. Due Monday May 3rd.
  • Writing Assignment:
  • Choose a poem that is meaningful to you. You can find this on the internet or in a poetry book. Explain what this poem means in your own words and why this is meaningful to you. This response must be one full page typed, 12 pt Ariel Font, single spaced, one inch margins. During our next class together (after the trip) we will discuss poetry further and you will be asked to write your own poem. This is due on Tuesday May 4th.

Check Kimberlee and Joseph's blogs for history and Latin homework.

Tuesday: Quiz on student created disease list.
  • You will need to know spelling, part of speech (they are all nouns so that is not too hard) and the definition.
  • Read and outline sections 3, 4 and 5 of science Chapter 2. Also, please complete the questions for those sections.
  • I am planning to watch Charly during reading and writing time today.
  • Everyone wrote a process paragraph last week. You will plan a 4 minute speech for the class in which you will demonstrate a process. It does not have to be the same one you wrote about and you are welcome to bring in props to dress up your speech. You will be graded on how well you explain the process, your creativity, how well you present and do not read and your ability to stay close to 4 minutes.

  • Your character analysis of a character from Flowers for Algernon is due today.
*I am not going to assign a particular length but you do need to consider the following:
*Physical appearance
*Personality traits (must be supported by examples
*Their role in the story.
*How the character makes you feel . Do you like or dislike the character?
*Does the character change or stay the same throughout the novel? (this must be supported with specific examples from the novel)
This should be an essay not a bulleted list.

Friday, April 16, 2010

HOMEWORK 4/19-4/23


The final draft of your 5 page RESEARCH paper is due on Tuesday. Please remember that you must include a bibliography. I also want your first draft passed in with your final version. If your only research was an interview that should be cited as well.




  • Finish Flowers for Algernon. I may quiz you on the last part that you read.
  • Study the next 20 most commonly misspelled words for a quiz. Also: We’re going to mix it up a little in WW: for next week, 4/20/10, each student will research an interesting medical disorder (e.g., elephantiasis – not mumps or chicken pox) and find the part of speech and definition. Cut and paste it 14 times on a piece of paper to distribute to the class and teacher. Students have Spring Trip the following week so the test will be on Tuesday, 5/4/10.



For our taping during the day you need:
  • A Trifold Board that is colorful and eye catching. You should, at a minimum, have the following on the board: Title, Hypothesis, Materials, Procedure, Results (charts and graphs as well as an explanation) Conclusion.
  • You also must be prepared to give a 4 minute presentation from NOTECARDS.
For Family and Friend's Night which is from 6:30-8:30 you need:
  • A Trifold Board that is colorful and eye catching. You should at a minimum have the following on the board-Title, Hypothesis, Materials, Procedure, Results (charts and graphs as well as an explanation) Conclusion.
  • You also must be prepared to give a 4 minute presentation from NOTECARDS.
  • You also need a snack that is related to your topic.
Science Homework: Read and outline sections 1 and 2 of Chapter 2. Answer the questions for these two sections. This is due on FRIDAY instead of today.

  • p.78-79. Make sure you re-read the information on process paragraphs before you do this and remember that I expect all paragraphs to be at least 5-7 sentences long.
  • 700-1000 Words on the following quote is due. "If you mess up, fess up." Most of you started this in class last Thursday so please finish it.

Friday, April 9, 2010

HOMEWORK 4/12-4/16

The first draft of your five page paper is due on Monday 4/12. The draft should be a full five pages and ready for editing. A peer will be editing your paper in class and you will be editing another student's paper. You will be graded on your paper and the editing as well as your final product.

Grammar packet due Tuesday 4/13


  • See Joseph and Kimberlee's blogs for homework in Latin and History.
  • Actively read up to page 221 in Flowers for Algernon.

Wednesday: Science Test
  • Test on Chapter 1 Physics. We have done and extensive review on this chapter in class but if you come upon additional questions while studying please call and ask.
  • I will give the test in the morning and we will be doing something fun in the afternoon to celebrate our box top win. We will watch a movie and feel free to bring in a snack to share.
  • The school is also celebrating "Look Alike Day." This is your opportunity to dress like someone else.
  • Science Bonus: Remember this quote: "If you mess up fess up."
  • p. 74-77 in the Writing Skills Book
  • Be prepared for 2 minute presentation. To Parents: In order to give the students some practice for the science fair I had them research a current event today in class. On Thursday, they will present that to the class. I am looking for the students to present not read and for the presentation to last for as close to 2 minutes as possible.

  • Reading Log Flowers for Algernon. Choose a quote from the story that you find particularly interesting and meaningful. Elaborate on that quote. What does it mean? How is relevant to the story? Why is it meaningful to you? This log must be one page typed or two pages hand-written.

Friday, April 2, 2010

HOMEWORK 4/5-4/9

  • Be working on your research paper. The first draft is due on Monday April 12th and the draft must be 5 pages and will be edited by a peer on that day.
  • Please complete the clause review on page 41-42 in your Writing Skills Book for Tuesday. If you do not understand the clauses please ask.
Although you have specific assignments you should be spending 30-45 minutes on math every night. If you are unsure of an assignment or have a questions be sure to call and ask.


Monday April 5th:
  • Red Sox Day- Wear your Red Sox attire and help us celebrate Red Sox Opening Day. Hot Dogs and Chips will be available for purchase so bring money if you would like to have a game day lunch. A separate flier went home from the office with details.

  • History: Check Kimberlee's Blog
  • Latin: Check Joseph's Blog

Tuesday April 6th:
  • Read up to page 154 in Flowers For Algernon. You may have a quiz on this.
  • Study the next 20 words from your Commonly Misspelled word list for a quiz.

  • Chapter 1 Review and Assessment Due. Also please choose a Science In the News Article (related to physics which is our new book) Please summarize the article and give your own thoughts and opinions about it. This should be one page, typed single-spacedm 12 pt Ariel Font, 1 inch margins.

  • Writing Skills: Read about Purpose and Kinds of Writing on page 69-70 and Example paragraphs on page 71. Do Exercise 1 on page 71 and Exercise 2 and 3 on page 72.

  • Reading Log: Flowers for Algernon. Address the following in 1-2 pages:
  • Talk about Charlie's flashbacks to his childhood and life before meeting Nemur and Strauss. What do those remembrances suggest about the historical treatment accorded to the mentally challenged? In fact, what does it say about us as a society that today we use the term "challenged" rather than "retarded"? Has our treatment improved...or not really? Support your position with examples.