Friday, April 9, 2010

HOMEWORK 4/12-4/16

The first draft of your five page paper is due on Monday 4/12. The draft should be a full five pages and ready for editing. A peer will be editing your paper in class and you will be editing another student's paper. You will be graded on your paper and the editing as well as your final product.

Grammar packet due Tuesday 4/13


  • See Joseph and Kimberlee's blogs for homework in Latin and History.
  • Actively read up to page 221 in Flowers for Algernon.

Wednesday: Science Test
  • Test on Chapter 1 Physics. We have done and extensive review on this chapter in class but if you come upon additional questions while studying please call and ask.
  • I will give the test in the morning and we will be doing something fun in the afternoon to celebrate our box top win. We will watch a movie and feel free to bring in a snack to share.
  • The school is also celebrating "Look Alike Day." This is your opportunity to dress like someone else.
  • Science Bonus: Remember this quote: "If you mess up fess up."
  • p. 74-77 in the Writing Skills Book
  • Be prepared for 2 minute presentation. To Parents: In order to give the students some practice for the science fair I had them research a current event today in class. On Thursday, they will present that to the class. I am looking for the students to present not read and for the presentation to last for as close to 2 minutes as possible.

  • Reading Log Flowers for Algernon. Choose a quote from the story that you find particularly interesting and meaningful. Elaborate on that quote. What does it mean? How is relevant to the story? Why is it meaningful to you? This log must be one page typed or two pages hand-written.

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