Friday, April 23, 2010


I hope everyone who is going on the spring trip has a great time. This is what is due the week you all return:

  • Writing Skills pp. 74-75 participles. pp. 80-85 Infinitives and Gerunds. Due Monday May 3rd.
  • Writing Assignment:
  • Choose a poem that is meaningful to you. You can find this on the internet or in a poetry book. Explain what this poem means in your own words and why this is meaningful to you. This response must be one full page typed, 12 pt Ariel Font, single spaced, one inch margins. During our next class together (after the trip) we will discuss poetry further and you will be asked to write your own poem. This is due on Tuesday May 4th.

Check Kimberlee and Joseph's blogs for history and Latin homework.

Tuesday: Quiz on student created disease list.
  • You will need to know spelling, part of speech (they are all nouns so that is not too hard) and the definition.
  • Read and outline sections 3, 4 and 5 of science Chapter 2. Also, please complete the questions for those sections.
  • I am planning to watch Charly during reading and writing time today.
  • Everyone wrote a process paragraph last week. You will plan a 4 minute speech for the class in which you will demonstrate a process. It does not have to be the same one you wrote about and you are welcome to bring in props to dress up your speech. You will be graded on how well you explain the process, your creativity, how well you present and do not read and your ability to stay close to 4 minutes.

  • Your character analysis of a character from Flowers for Algernon is due today.
*I am not going to assign a particular length but you do need to consider the following:
*Physical appearance
*Personality traits (must be supported by examples
*Their role in the story.
*How the character makes you feel . Do you like or dislike the character?
*Does the character change or stay the same throughout the novel? (this must be supported with specific examples from the novel)
This should be an essay not a bulleted list.

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