Friday, April 2, 2010

HOMEWORK 4/5-4/9

  • Be working on your research paper. The first draft is due on Monday April 12th and the draft must be 5 pages and will be edited by a peer on that day.
  • Please complete the clause review on page 41-42 in your Writing Skills Book for Tuesday. If you do not understand the clauses please ask.
Although you have specific assignments you should be spending 30-45 minutes on math every night. If you are unsure of an assignment or have a questions be sure to call and ask.


Monday April 5th:
  • Red Sox Day- Wear your Red Sox attire and help us celebrate Red Sox Opening Day. Hot Dogs and Chips will be available for purchase so bring money if you would like to have a game day lunch. A separate flier went home from the office with details.

  • History: Check Kimberlee's Blog
  • Latin: Check Joseph's Blog

Tuesday April 6th:
  • Read up to page 154 in Flowers For Algernon. You may have a quiz on this.
  • Study the next 20 words from your Commonly Misspelled word list for a quiz.

  • Chapter 1 Review and Assessment Due. Also please choose a Science In the News Article (related to physics which is our new book) Please summarize the article and give your own thoughts and opinions about it. This should be one page, typed single-spacedm 12 pt Ariel Font, 1 inch margins.

  • Writing Skills: Read about Purpose and Kinds of Writing on page 69-70 and Example paragraphs on page 71. Do Exercise 1 on page 71 and Exercise 2 and 3 on page 72.

  • Reading Log: Flowers for Algernon. Address the following in 1-2 pages:
  • Talk about Charlie's flashbacks to his childhood and life before meeting Nemur and Strauss. What do those remembrances suggest about the historical treatment accorded to the mentally challenged? In fact, what does it say about us as a society that today we use the term "challenged" rather than "retarded"? Has our treatment improved...or not really? Support your position with examples.