Thursday, May 27, 2010

WEEK OF 5/31-Monday June 7th

  • We had a great week last week. Our visit to Joseph's farm was hot but very fun. We learned a lot about animals and the food we eat. The student's had a chance to hold the animals and do some of the farm chores. We really enjoyed ourselves.

  • Monday, May 31st, Memorial Day-No school.

  • Tuesday June 1st: This is our last school day! I will be giving one final grammar quiz to the students on noun clauses, run-ons and combining sentences. Hopefully this quiz will help everyone's writing grade since we worked on the exercises in class and everyone had plenty of opportunity to ask questions and should be very comfortable with these concepts. We are also doing a pot luck lunch today.

  • Everyone is bringing in something to share. This is what your child signed up for:
Sam-cookies and pizza
Harry-Quesadilla and chocolate sauce
Geoff-The super, special awesome cake and M & M's.
Ronan - Ice Cream (vanilla and chocolate)
Ben W. - Drinks
Lily-French bread and dip.
Lizzie - Chips and dip.
Jodi-Lasagna or pasta dish.
Emma - cherries
Mackenzie - Salad

Wednesday June 2nd: Last Day of School-Dismissal at noon.
Students should wear casual clothes as we will be cleaning the classroom before leaving.

Thursday June 3rd: Field Day/Book Awards
If it is a nice day bring sunblock. bug spray and a water bottle as most activities will take place outside.

Friday June 4th Graduation Day. All group 5 Students are invited to watch their friend's graduate!

Monday June 7: Canobie Lake Day!!!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

HOMEWORK 5/24-5/28

Final exams.


Monday: History and Latin Exams- see Joseph and Kimberlee's blogs for details.

Tuesday: Trip to Joseph's farm. Please bring a bag lunch and water bottle. We will not have access to a microwave so please bring something that does not require heating. We will also be eating snack in the van on the way up so it must not be a messy snack! Also bring your sketch book.

Wednesday: Literary Character Day.

Thursday: Your Compare and Contrast Essay for FFA the book and the movie is due today. Also, any late or missing work must be turned in today. There will be no further extensions.

Friday: No School Teacher Development Day.

Friday, May 14, 2010

WEEK OF 5/17-5/22

  • Final version of your research paper is due. Any revisions not received by 3:00 will not be counted and your current grade will stand.
  • Quiz on Infinitives, Gerunds and Participles.

  • Tuesday: Narrative Poem Due


  • See Kimberlee's Blog for History Homework
  • See Joseph's Blog for Latin Homework

  • Quiz on student created word list of unusual words from U-Z. Students will be tested on spelling, definition and part of speech.

  • Read the Short Story "Sonny's Blues." Be thinking about the various themes in the story.

  • Comprehension Questions Due on Sonny's Blues.
  • Science Test Chapter 2 Sections 1 and 2.


  • Final draft of your character analysis is due. Most of you passed this in when it was originally due so have a few edits to make. Also, you had at least three class periods to work on this on Tuesday. This is the final day to get any credit.
  • Answer the following questions about Sonny's Blues. They can be typewritten or written in your Readers/Writers Notebook.1, There are a number of themes in the story including suffering, darkness, feeling trapped and wanting to escape. How can you tie all these into one dominant theme that is suggested in the title "Sonny's Blues?"2. Themes in stories challenge you to think about what the author is saying to you. What sorts of thoughts have you had as a result of reading this story?3. The story develops it's themes around the relationship between two brothers. But there is a flashback in the middle of the story that tells of the narrator's conversation with his mother. How does that part of the story contribute to the dominant theme?
  • Your final writing project of the quarter is due on Thursday May 27th. This is a compare and contrast essay of Flowers for Algernon (the book) and Charly the movie. This essay must have an introduction and conclusion and use one of the two methods of comparing and contrasting that I showed you in class:
  • Intro-similarities, differences, conclusion OR Intro. Topic (same/difference), Topic 2 (same/difference), Conclusion.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Homework 5/10-5/14

HIGH SCHOOL: We will be working on writing poems in class on Tuesday. No additional homework until then. Late work is being marked down a grade every day it is late so I expect to see everything on Tuesday.


Make sure you check Kimberlee's Blog for history homework. You do have homework due on Monday even though you do not have class. Also review the quizzes area as some of those dates have changed as well.



  • In Wordly Wise class, students will decide on 'unusual' words for next week, after having their Phobia words test today. Students will be tested on 5/18/10 on their most unusual words from U-Z in the dictionary.
  • Study Hall: We will finish up our speeches today. If you have not yet presented please come prepared.


  • Chapter 2 Review and Assessment is due for science. We will review the first two sections of this chapter in preparation for a test in the morning during our reading period.
  • 11:00 A.M.-11:40 A.M.: Jeremy Reiner, WHDH Weather will be speaking to Groups 3,4,5 in Bryan's Room, in the Barn. We will have Math and Reading block before he arrives. In the afternoon, we will have regular classes.

FRIDAY: Regular classes all day!
  • Please provide me with a complete outline of what you plan to write about in your Flowers For Algernon Compare and Contrast paper. This paper should compare and contrast the movie and the book and it should have an introduction and conclusion and discuss at least 2 similarities and two differences. I am not only interested in what these similarities are but how they affect the story.

Friday, April 23, 2010


I hope everyone who is going on the spring trip has a great time. This is what is due the week you all return:

  • Writing Skills pp. 74-75 participles. pp. 80-85 Infinitives and Gerunds. Due Monday May 3rd.
  • Writing Assignment:
  • Choose a poem that is meaningful to you. You can find this on the internet or in a poetry book. Explain what this poem means in your own words and why this is meaningful to you. This response must be one full page typed, 12 pt Ariel Font, single spaced, one inch margins. During our next class together (after the trip) we will discuss poetry further and you will be asked to write your own poem. This is due on Tuesday May 4th.

Check Kimberlee and Joseph's blogs for history and Latin homework.

Tuesday: Quiz on student created disease list.
  • You will need to know spelling, part of speech (they are all nouns so that is not too hard) and the definition.
  • Read and outline sections 3, 4 and 5 of science Chapter 2. Also, please complete the questions for those sections.
  • I am planning to watch Charly during reading and writing time today.
  • Everyone wrote a process paragraph last week. You will plan a 4 minute speech for the class in which you will demonstrate a process. It does not have to be the same one you wrote about and you are welcome to bring in props to dress up your speech. You will be graded on how well you explain the process, your creativity, how well you present and do not read and your ability to stay close to 4 minutes.

  • Your character analysis of a character from Flowers for Algernon is due today.
*I am not going to assign a particular length but you do need to consider the following:
*Physical appearance
*Personality traits (must be supported by examples
*Their role in the story.
*How the character makes you feel . Do you like or dislike the character?
*Does the character change or stay the same throughout the novel? (this must be supported with specific examples from the novel)
This should be an essay not a bulleted list.

Friday, April 16, 2010

HOMEWORK 4/19-4/23


The final draft of your 5 page RESEARCH paper is due on Tuesday. Please remember that you must include a bibliography. I also want your first draft passed in with your final version. If your only research was an interview that should be cited as well.




  • Finish Flowers for Algernon. I may quiz you on the last part that you read.
  • Study the next 20 most commonly misspelled words for a quiz. Also: We’re going to mix it up a little in WW: for next week, 4/20/10, each student will research an interesting medical disorder (e.g., elephantiasis – not mumps or chicken pox) and find the part of speech and definition. Cut and paste it 14 times on a piece of paper to distribute to the class and teacher. Students have Spring Trip the following week so the test will be on Tuesday, 5/4/10.



For our taping during the day you need:
  • A Trifold Board that is colorful and eye catching. You should, at a minimum, have the following on the board: Title, Hypothesis, Materials, Procedure, Results (charts and graphs as well as an explanation) Conclusion.
  • You also must be prepared to give a 4 minute presentation from NOTECARDS.
For Family and Friend's Night which is from 6:30-8:30 you need:
  • A Trifold Board that is colorful and eye catching. You should at a minimum have the following on the board-Title, Hypothesis, Materials, Procedure, Results (charts and graphs as well as an explanation) Conclusion.
  • You also must be prepared to give a 4 minute presentation from NOTECARDS.
  • You also need a snack that is related to your topic.
Science Homework: Read and outline sections 1 and 2 of Chapter 2. Answer the questions for these two sections. This is due on FRIDAY instead of today.

  • p.78-79. Make sure you re-read the information on process paragraphs before you do this and remember that I expect all paragraphs to be at least 5-7 sentences long.
  • 700-1000 Words on the following quote is due. "If you mess up, fess up." Most of you started this in class last Thursday so please finish it.

Friday, April 9, 2010

HOMEWORK 4/12-4/16

The first draft of your five page paper is due on Monday 4/12. The draft should be a full five pages and ready for editing. A peer will be editing your paper in class and you will be editing another student's paper. You will be graded on your paper and the editing as well as your final product.

Grammar packet due Tuesday 4/13


  • See Joseph and Kimberlee's blogs for homework in Latin and History.
  • Actively read up to page 221 in Flowers for Algernon.

Wednesday: Science Test
  • Test on Chapter 1 Physics. We have done and extensive review on this chapter in class but if you come upon additional questions while studying please call and ask.
  • I will give the test in the morning and we will be doing something fun in the afternoon to celebrate our box top win. We will watch a movie and feel free to bring in a snack to share.
  • The school is also celebrating "Look Alike Day." This is your opportunity to dress like someone else.
  • Science Bonus: Remember this quote: "If you mess up fess up."
  • p. 74-77 in the Writing Skills Book
  • Be prepared for 2 minute presentation. To Parents: In order to give the students some practice for the science fair I had them research a current event today in class. On Thursday, they will present that to the class. I am looking for the students to present not read and for the presentation to last for as close to 2 minutes as possible.

  • Reading Log Flowers for Algernon. Choose a quote from the story that you find particularly interesting and meaningful. Elaborate on that quote. What does it mean? How is relevant to the story? Why is it meaningful to you? This log must be one page typed or two pages hand-written.

Friday, April 2, 2010

HOMEWORK 4/5-4/9

  • Be working on your research paper. The first draft is due on Monday April 12th and the draft must be 5 pages and will be edited by a peer on that day.
  • Please complete the clause review on page 41-42 in your Writing Skills Book for Tuesday. If you do not understand the clauses please ask.
Although you have specific assignments you should be spending 30-45 minutes on math every night. If you are unsure of an assignment or have a questions be sure to call and ask.


Monday April 5th:
  • Red Sox Day- Wear your Red Sox attire and help us celebrate Red Sox Opening Day. Hot Dogs and Chips will be available for purchase so bring money if you would like to have a game day lunch. A separate flier went home from the office with details.

  • History: Check Kimberlee's Blog
  • Latin: Check Joseph's Blog

Tuesday April 6th:
  • Read up to page 154 in Flowers For Algernon. You may have a quiz on this.
  • Study the next 20 words from your Commonly Misspelled word list for a quiz.

  • Chapter 1 Review and Assessment Due. Also please choose a Science In the News Article (related to physics which is our new book) Please summarize the article and give your own thoughts and opinions about it. This should be one page, typed single-spacedm 12 pt Ariel Font, 1 inch margins.

  • Writing Skills: Read about Purpose and Kinds of Writing on page 69-70 and Example paragraphs on page 71. Do Exercise 1 on page 71 and Exercise 2 and 3 on page 72.

  • Reading Log: Flowers for Algernon. Address the following in 1-2 pages:
  • Talk about Charlie's flashbacks to his childhood and life before meeting Nemur and Strauss. What do those remembrances suggest about the historical treatment accorded to the mentally challenged? In fact, what does it say about us as a society that today we use the term "challenged" rather than "retarded"? Has our treatment improved...or not really? Support your position with examples.

Friday, March 26, 2010

HOMEWORK 3/29-4/2

HIGH SCHOOL BASIC WRITIING NO HOMEWORK: However, any work from quarter 3 that was not passed in by Friday is now a zero. The new quarter begins on Monday 3/29.,

GROUP 5 Blue:

  • For history see Kimberlee's Blog
  • For Latin see Joseph's Blog

  • Read Flowers for Algernon up to page 82.
  • Study the next 20 words on the list of Commonly Misspelled for words for a test.

  • Science Research Paper Final Draft is Due today.
  • Complete questions on Chapter 1 Sections 1, 2 and 3.

  • Complete 5 paragraph essay.


Reading Log on Flowers for Algernon. Please answer the following:

1. What do you think about the operation? Is it good for Charlie? Please answer this from both a moral and an intellectual perspective.
2. Who (if anyone) is a true friend to Charlie. Please support your answer with examples from the novel.
3. Do you think Charlie is getting smarter? How do you know? What evidence do you have to support your answer?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

HOMEWORK 3/22-3/26

I hope you have a wonderful two weeks off. The following assignments are due the week we return and we also have science fair quickly approaching.


Basic Writing:
  • Your city brochure is due. Remember to be creative and include a history, places to eat, shop and hang out, upcoming events, fun activities etc. Be creative.
  • Any work that was due prior to vacation is now a zero and you have lost a merit for it. You will need to complete the work to gain the merit back but will not receive full credit for the assignment.


  • Each of you must complete three full sections in the chapter you are on in your

  • History-See Kimberlee's blog.
  • Latin: See Joseph's blog.
  • Read first sixteen pages up and including the entry for March 12th of Flowers for Algernon. You will be given a quiz on these two Chapters so read carefully.
  • Study the spelling of the first 20 words on the most commonly misspelled words list.
  • Compare and Contrast Essay of three Poe stories. The essay must be at least five paragraphs long, 12 point Ariel font, single-spaced. You must include three direct quotations in your essay. Remember quotes should not just be thrown in. They must fit into the point you are making and quotes do not contribute to the 5-7 sentences that make up a paragraph.

  • Science Outline of Chapter 1 in your new science book is due. We are going to Group 2 to help them with their science fair projects so we will not have science today. I will be taking time out of a writing class to talk to you about the chapter.
  • Four weeks of data for your long-term experiment in science are due for check in.
  • Grammar: After our extensive review of adjective and adverb phrases and clauses I am giving you one final assignment on this. We have reviewed this over and over again and the last time I asked if there were any questions there were none so I am confident you all get this now. Your assignment is to write 12 sentences about your independent reading book. The sentences should be as follows: 3 sentences containing an adjective clause, 3 sentences containing an adverb clause, 3 sentences containing an adjective phrase, and 3 sentences containing an adverb phrase. This should be written in your Writing notebook under vocabulary.

  • Reading Log: Flowers for Algernon. Please write a 2 page letter to me in your Writer's notebook letting me know what you think of this book so far, what you have have learned about the plot and the characters and what you wonder about.

Friday, February 26, 2010

HOMEWORK 3/1-3/5


Basic Writing: If I have not received your 1 page writing prompt and your 1500 word response send them ASAP. They will be marked down one letter grade for each day they are late.

Algebra/Pre-Algebra: Please arrive on Monday with a graph paper notebook.


  • Read for 20 minutes and have your parents sign off.

  • Wordly Wise: Test on 20 Scripps Spelling Bee words. Spelling Bee with Group4 and Groups 5.
  • Read for 20 minutes and have a parent sign off.

  • Week One of data for long term experiment is due for my review.
  • The next two pages of the research paper are due.
  • Read for 20 minutes and have parent sign off.

We are going to the MFA today. Please bring a brown bag lunch full of non-messy items that do not need to be microwaved. We may snack in the van and cannot leave a mess. Also, no glass bottles please!

  • Writing Skills pages 141 - 144 only the first section up to and including "Plan."
  • Read for 20 minutes and have a parent sign off.
  • Make up science test: This is not mandatory but I will be offering a makeup science test for those of you who would like to improve your grade on the last test. I will offer it during lunch study.

  • Read for 20 minutes and have a parent sign off.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Week of 2/22-2/26


Many of you did not pass in your one page writing prompt from last week. If I do not have that by Monday 2/22 you will lose a merit. Please have this on my desk or in my inbox by the end of the day.

You must have a graph paper notebook or binder by Wednesday 2/24. I have been asking you for this since the beginning of the quarter and the high school students are the only one's who do not have one yet. You need this so you can get credit for all your work and you will get a test grade for this notebook at the end of the quarter. You must have this notebook for class on Monday!


  • History-See Kimberlee's Blog
  • Latin: See Joseph's Blog
  • Read for 20 minutes and have a parent sign off.

  • Complete reading The Tell-Tale Heart and The Cask of Amontillado.
  • Study next list of words. We will have a practice spelling bee this afternoon.

  • Science Test Chapter 4
  • Read for 20 minutes and have a parent sign off on the reading.

  • Writing Skills Due: pp. 103-104 and 107-108. Also, remember to write a 7 sentence paragraph describing any thing or any event you wish. Then rewrite that same paragraph changing the tone from pleasant to horror.
  • Read for 20 minutes and have a parent sign off.

  • Read for 20 minutes and have a parent sign off.

Friday, February 12, 2010

HOMEWORK 2/15-2/19

HIGH SCHOOL: No Basic Writing Homework

Monday - No school

  • Spelling Test - 2o words from Spelling Bee list.
  • Read for 40 minutes in your independent reading book.

  • Next two pages of science research paper due (pass in all 4 pages)
  • Review and Assessment Chapter 4
  • Read for 20 minutes in your independent reading book.
  • Comprehension Questions due on A Christmas Memory

  • Quiz on adjective and adverb clauses.
  • Read independent reading book for 20 minutes.

  • Read for 20 minutes in your independent reading book.
  • News Report Due: You are pretending you are a news reporter, reporting on a scene from your independent reading book. You can use interviews or simply report from that perspective. This should be a minimum of 2 pages.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

HOMEWORK 2/8-2/12


Monday, February 8
Horror Story is due today.
Black Cat 2 page response due.


Monday 2/8
  • Read for 20 minutes and have a parent sign off.
  • History-see Kimberlee's blog.
  • Latin-See Joseph's blog.

Tuesday 2/9:
  • Read for 20 minutes and have a parent sign off.
  • Spelling quiz - 2o more words.
  • Comprehension Questions Due-The Guest

Wednesday 2/10:
  • Science: Read and outline Section 3- Chapter 4
  • Questions: Section 3 Chapter 4
  • First two pages of science research paper are due.

Thursday 2/11:
  • Writing Skills: Choose one of the types of paragraphs on page 69-70 and write a ten sentence paragraph of that type.
  • Read for 20 minutes and have a parent sign off.

Friday 2/12:
  • Read for 20 minutes and have a parent sign off.
  • The Guest: Identify 10 new vocabulary words, define them and use them in a sentence. Identify 5 subordinate clauses and 5 prepositonal phrases (write the entire sentence and underline the phrase or clause) Also, cite the page number.
  • Answer the following: What is the main conflict in The Guest and how does this cause other things to happen in the story? What happened at the end of the story? Why do you think that?

Max Petersen in Group 5G (Local and State Winner) and Lily Bailey (Local and State Honorable Mention) in Group 5B will be receiving awards at two ceremonies. The state ceremony is on February 22nd at the Plymouth Library at 2:00 p.m. The local ceremony will be March 14th at the Samuel Holten House in Ipswich. Max and Lily will be reading their essays at the local ceremony. Congratulations to both for a job well done.

SPELLING BEE: Groups 4, 5G and 5B will be taking a short break from Wordly Wise to prepare for a Spelling Bee. We will be using an actual list from the 1984 Scripps Spelling Bee! They will be tested ONLY on spelling of 15-20 words, not vocabulary and parts of speech, each week. Finally, on Tuesday, February 16th, we will have a live Spelling Bee between the three groups from 1p.m.-2:00pm.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

HOMEWORK 2/1-2/5


  • Due Monday Homonyms Sheet and pp. in Writing Skills Book.
  • Work on your Horror Story which is due on Monday 2/8. Remember to include two copies - one that was edited by a peer and the final.

  • Read 20 minutes and have parent sign off.
  • History: See Kimberlee's Blog
  • Latin: See Joseph's Blog
  • Read for 20 minutes and have a parent sign off.
  • Study page one of the spelling bee list. You need to learn the spelling only. 20 words will be selected from this list for your test on Tuesday.

  • Read for 20 minutes and have a parent sign off.
  • Read and outline Sections 1 and 2 of Chapter 4 in science.
  • Complete Lab Report for Acid/Base Lab.
  • Outline for Science Research Paper is Due.
  • Writing: Complete packet on adjective and adverb phrases and clauses.

Thursday: No school.

Friday: No School.

Friday, January 22, 2010

HOMEWORK 1/25-1/29

Monday: Your essay on the special election is due. No exceptions.

Tuesday: Make sure you have your Writing Skills book in class.


  • Read for 20 minutes in your independent reading book. Have a parent sign off.
  • History see Kimberlee's blog.
  • Latin: See Joseph's blog.

  • Read for 20 minutes in your independent reading book and have your parents sign off.
  • Wordly Wise Lesson 15 and Quiz on Lesson 15.
  • Comprehension questions 1-25 on the short story Lagoon due.

  • Read for 20 minutes in your independent reading book and have your parents sign off.
  • Four sources for the 8 page Science Research paper are due. Remember at least two must be NON-internet sources.
  • Science Test Chapter - Remember the phrase: Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. This will prove helpful to you this week (in more ways than one) Also, as a reward for doing what you should and checking the blog every night here is one final bonus. The answer to #10 under Fill in the Blanks on the science test is: supersaturated solution.

  • Writing Skills: p.66-68 and p. 83-86 and p. 101-102 and p.105-106.
  • Read for 20 minutes in your independent reading book and have your parents sign off.

  • Read for 20 minutes in your independent reading book and have your parents sign off.
  • In your packet on conflict choose one of the activities under Discussing Conflict on p. 194. You have three choices. I would like a one page, typed, single spaced, 12 pt Ariel font, 1"margins response to the question you choose. It must be typed and meet these criteria. Please make sure you answer the question you choose completely.
Thanks to all of you who brought in acids and bases to be tested. Unfortunately the litmus paper did not come in but as soon as it does we will take class period and test the substances.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


HIGH SCHOOL: No Basic Writing homework due Monday. The time of our basic writing class is changing to the morning on Monday so I will see you next Monday at 10:45. This week we did not have class on Tuesday due to the problem with the heat. Therefore, your assignment for this week is in your mailbox in the classroom. Please make sure you check the mailbox and complete the assignment by Monday January 25th.

Algebra/Pre-Algebra: No homework for Monday. Remember your math notebook counted as a test grade so if you did not pass that in to me you received a zero for last quarter. Let's start this quarter strong and use the proper format and show all your work. If you do this it will be an easy "A" for the notebook next quarter. You will have homework Tuesday through Friday and I will assign that homework individually.



Wordly Wise
List 14 and Activities. If you did not complete the crossword puzzle that was located before List 13 that was due last week. I will be checking to see that you have it this week. Quiz on list 14.
Read for 20 minutes in your independent reading book and make sure your parents sign off.

Read 20 minutes in your independent reading book and make sure your parents sign off.
Science: Chapter 3 work is as follows: Section 1: #2 and #3; Section 2: All, Section:4 nothing. and Sections 3 and 5: Writing in Science.
We will be taking a trip to the library today to find materials for History Day and/or Science Fair so think about what you need and bring your library card.

Read for 20 minutes in your independent reading book and have your parents sign off.

Read for 20 minutes in your independent reading book and have your parents sign off.
The 1000 word writing prompt that I gave you in class last week is due. Since I gave you two full hours to work on it in school AND over a week to complete it must be passed in on time.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

HOMEWORK January 12-January 16


Basic Writing: The final draft of your ten page paper is due on 1/12. Please make sure you include all edited copies with your final draft AND you cite all of your sources. Also, the paper must be 10 pages, 12 point Ariel font, single spaced and please edit for spelling and grammatical errors.

Algebra/Pre-Algebra: I will be collecting your math notebooks and checking them for completeness and proper format. This counts as a test grade for quarter 2.


  • History See Kimberlee's blog:
  • Reading: Read 20 minutes in your independent reading book.
  • Finalize long term experiment and research paper topic.

  • Wordly Wise List 13 Activities and Quiz
  • Read for 20 minutes in your independent reading book. Find 10 prepositional phrases and write them in your reading/writing notebook under vocabulary. This will be collected today.

  • Science Review and Assessment Chapter 3 Due. p. 117-118

  • Writing Skills p. 58-65 due. Quiz on adjective, adverb and prepositional phrases.
